PSIR strategy, notes and my answer copies
If there is one factor that has helped me achieve a single digit rank in CSE, it is my optional. I have scored 168 in paper 1 and 146 in paper 2, making it 314 in total. I have still not come across somebody with a score more than this and hence a comfortable claim can be made that this is one of the highest score this year. In this blog, I would mention what helped me achieve this score.
- I DID NOT refer to any other source than Shubhra Ma'am's notes. There are two reasons to it.
- Firstly, since I had reached the interview stage in all my three attempts, I never had the luxury of time to refer to any book.
- Secondly, I believe Ma'am's notes are more than enough to form the core aspect of the subject's preparation.
- I did value addition from multiple sources so as to get an edge in my answers:
- I referred to copies of toppers of the respective tests that I attempted during my mains preparation. It helped in three ways:
- To understand why people are getting the marks they are getting
- To better understand a topic
- To get diversified quotes, book references and other keywords related to any scholar
- Read the solutions of the test series extensively
- joining multiple test series even though I couln't solve them. I had joined VisionIAS and Shubhra Ranjan's test series in my second attempt(CSE 2020) and found different perspectives on answers and scholars though both, which too widened my realm of understanding. This was a key reason that my score jumped from 235 (131+104) in my first attempt in CSE2019 to 280 ( 143+137) in my second attempt.
- I also made a list of books and authors , particularly for my IR paper and have used them extensively in my answers.
- In CSE2019, Rank 22, Mandar Patki sir had suggested in an interview that he had arranged his optional notes in Intro - Body - Conclusion format. This is because in mains you don't have much time to think over any question. Hence if you have the intro and conclusion already prepared in your mind, you can put all your focus on the body part and adjust it according to the demand of the question.
- Making use of photographic memory- Most of us tend to remember things by looking at them. it somehow gets etched in our brains. The inspiration for making PSIR notes with photos of scholars attached came from Tushar Gupta sir, IPS 2019 batch. His evernote is public and can be referred to for value addition. This too helped me a lot!
- Referring to topper copies: This is THE MOST important aspect of PSIR answer writing. I referred to three toppers , viz. Navneet Mann ma'am, Yashni Nagarajan ma'am and Trupti Dhodhmise ma'am. There was some element of commonality in all the three that I tried to imbibe in my PSIR answers:
- Writing end to end- Filling up all the space that's available for the answer.
- Scholars aren't everything - I noticed that a lot of answers of these toppers didn't have a single scholar. What is important is that you must do justice with the question. You must explain in detail what is asked. This is the approach I followed this year and last year and ended up pretty good marks in PSIR. So this probably works!
- Using the language of political science - THE MOST important learning from their copies. Optional subject demands more nuanced understanding of the subject than GS papers. Hence when you write your answers, you must appear to the examiner as a serious student of the subject rather than a layman writing the paper.
- Keyterms : Any topic in PSIR, has certain keywords associated with it. When the examiner checks your copy, he does not has the luxury of time. So his eyes start looking for certain keyword associated with the topic that is asked. And if they aren't there, then your train has derailed. You are not going to get the score you're expecting. Suppose there's a question on Marx and if words like Communist manifesto, dialectical materialism, etc aren't there, then it's not a good answer. If there's a question on Hong Kong and you haven't written "One country two systems", then no matter what you write, it does not matter.
- Choosing what questions to attempt: Now this is a highly subjective area . But I'll tell you what I did and if you're still in the confused lot on which part to attempt, you could give this approach a try. I attempted more questions from Part A of paper 1 and Part B of paper 2. Since we have the compulsion to attempt atleast one question from each part, in paper 1 part B section, I attempted the questions that dealt with Institutional polity like office of governor, president, judiciary,etc and not the sociological polity part comprising topics like caste in indian politics, etc. This approach has worked for me well looking at my last two years' scores.
- Order of attempting the paper: I used to first do all the 10M followed by 15M and the 20M. This was an approach I followed for last two years. But I reversed this, this time. Because in the end when you're left with crunch time, your chances of damaging the last few questions become high. And if those questions are the 20M, then the impact of damage becomes quite high. So if you first give your best in the 20M and the 15M, then you already gain a lot of marks here. and the scope of damage in the 10M isn't that high, so you're safe there too. But there's a con to it. The 20M and the 15M questions take up almost 2 hours and you are left with an hour for the 10M. So use this approach too at your own discretion.
- To handle the dynamic part of paper 2 PSIR dealing with IR-
- Visit following every month-
- IDSA website (also see their ask an expert)
- ISAS,NUS articles
- Carnegie India articles
- IR articles on ThePrint
- Project syndicate website
- MEA speeches and statements( Most important)
- ORF articles
- The distinguished lecture series on MEA is gold standard!
- Videos on YouTube-
- National security conversations
- Cut the clutter series (The best)
- Debates on Sansad TV
- Bharata First channel
Link to my approach towards writing PSIR answers and mistakes that I committed during test series:
Having given a detailed approach towards the subject, I am attaching my notes for future reference. Use them at your discretion. They are only for your value addition. Do not make them your primary notes.
- Paper 1 part A:
- Equality :
- Power:
- Elitist Theory of power :
- power :
- Legitimacy:
- Rights:
- Multiculturalism :
- Natural rights and human rights :
- Democracy :
- McPherson's analysis :
- general points in democracy :
- deliberative democracy :
- paricipatory/direct democracy :
- Representative democrac :
- Ideology:
- Scholars in ideology as general topic :
- Socialism :
- Liberalism-
- Marxism :
- Fascism :
- Feminism:
- Indian political thought :
- strategic culture :
- Buddhist political thought :
- Kautilya :
- MN Roy :
- Aurobindo Ghosh:
- Gandhi :
- Sir SAK :
- Ambedkar :
- Approaches to study political science :
- Rawls:
- Theories of state :
- General topic, liberal theory of state, state and globalisation:
- post colonial :
- Marxist theory :
- Western political thought :
- Hobbes :
- Locke :
- Aristotle :
- Plato, Socrates:
- Mill -
- Marx -
- Gramsci-
- Arendt -
- Machiavelli :
- Paper 1 part B:
- caste in politics :
- Statutory,regulatory , quasi judicial and constitutional bodies :
- Principal organs of the Union govt : Envisaged role and actual working of the executive and Legislature :
- Judiciary :
- Federalism: constitutional provisions ; changing nature of centre state relations; integrationist tendencies and regional aspirations; inter state disputes:
- ethnicity in politics :
- Secularism :
- Perspectives on indian freedom struggle :
- Secularism :
- Gandhian movements+revolutionary movements + role of women in freedom struggle:
- Grassroots movements/extra parliamentary mobilisation:
- Peasant and workers movements :
- Pressure groups :
- Land reforms and green revolution+planning and economic development:
- Party system in india :
- Electoral behaviour :
- Salient features of the Indian constitution- preamble, FR, FD, DPSP, Parliamentary system, amendment procedure:
- Social movement: civil liberties and human rights movements; women’s movements; environmental movements :
- Important articles of constitution :
- Core commissions of GS2 :
- Supreme court judgements :
- Grassroots deomcracy: PRI and Municipal govt : Significance of 73rd and 74th AA :
- Socio-economic profile of legislators:
- religion in politics :
- Paper 2 part A:
- Political parties and pressure groups In advanced industrial and developing societies :
- Social movements in industrialised and developing countries:
- Various approaches to CP :
- Characteristics and changing nature of the state in capitalist and socialist economies and advanced industrial and developing societies:
- Paper 2 part B:
- Indo- middle East , India-Iran, India-Saudi, India-UAE, USA- Iran.:
- Books for reference:
- NAM :
- Indo-USA:
- Indo-Russia:
- Current issues in IR :
- Indo-japan, south korea, act east policy :
- Indo pacific and the Quad , AUKUS:
- international organisations :
- Indo-nepal :
- India and UN,WTO,Bretton woods reforms:
- India- France :
- india- sri lanka:
- EU :
- India- UK ; Brexit:
- Australia:
- Indo-Pak:
- Social constructivists:
- Key terms+quotes to use in IR answers:
- Feminism :
- cold war and arms race :
- India and nuclear question:
- India- China:
- India- Africa:
- USA-China rivalry ; cold war 2.0 and implications on india:
- Institutions of foreign policy-making:
- Afghanistan :
- Marxist school:
- Bangladesh :
- Data on IR:
- Neighbourhood:
- Realism :
- Key concepts in IR :
- Central asian republics :
- Israel-Palestine :
- Vaccine diplomacy :
- Determinants of foreign policy:
- Latin America :
- India's vision of a new world order:
- Indian ocean + maritime security :
- Liberalism :
- Globalisation :
- Myanmar :
- Maldives :
- Bhutan :
- Systems approach to IR:
- Link to my this year’s test copies -
It’s already been a long post, but so has this journey been. My tryst with PSIR started in June 2018, and it was nothing but “love at first sight.” The journey has ended on a very beautiful and a satisfying note :)
It’s almost 4 am, so I’ll doze off. Hope this helps !
Utkarsh Dwivedi
Thanks for the blog sir, this is very helpful.
ReplyDeleteJust a correction: the evernote link for Equality notes is not updated, the link present is of mistakes and corrections in that place.
Please update it whenever you get time
Do u have preserved sir's notes plz help me buddy🙏🥺
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ReplyDeleteSir, can I mention name of scholars like O.P. Gauba ( An Introduction to political theory ,1981 ) and V. R. Mehta (An introduction to indian political thought,1992) for intro /body/conclusion?
ReplyDeleteIt does not seem as classy as Arend lijphat or D kavanaugh or Sydney verba!
DeleteShould we be making Diagrams in paper1B and paper 2B?
ReplyDeleteLike in russia-ukraine issue conflicting areas.
Or, in Afghanistan/TTP issue, the conflicting areas.. etc.
DeleteCongratulations Sir, and thank you for such crucial insights for PSIR, especially the learnings from the tests. it is of immense help.
ReplyDeleteSir just to inform you a correction needed in the Evernote link of Paper 2 Part B : Key concepts in IR , wrong link has been uploaded. Thank you !!
Sir,in how much depth should one prepare world history,those who have psir as optional... what were the sources? kindly let me know sir..
ReplyDeleteSir, which coaching institute you joined for GS?? So that aspirants will have a better idea to choose?
ReplyDeleteHe did foundation course from visionias as he mentioned in his toppers talk in vision itself.
DeleteHello sir,congratulations
ReplyDeleteIs this the full notes of psir sir
DeleteI recently got back all my stolen crypto through the help of an ethical hacker. Need their service? Text them on WhatsApp: +44 7452 247277 alliancedigitalrecovery (AT) Thank me later as a good woman friends.
Subhra Rajan's notes are printed or hand written?? please clarify this doubt
Deletewhere can i buy shubra mam notes online as there are many available ?
Deletecan u please mention the website which had the original notes
Sir could you pls tell me which pen you have used for writing mains test. thanks
ReplyDeletePILOT V7
DeleteGreat notes. Helped me to sort out my Paper 2B. Thank you Sir!
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ReplyDeleteThank you so much Sir... really very helpful
ReplyDeleteMany of your pictures in some notes (eg in 2b liberalism) are not visible. Could u please anything help about it ?
ReplyDeletePlease Sir tell me , for PSIR optional how many years current affairs will needed.
ReplyDeleteSir can please upload it in pdf format so that I can print it
ReplyDeleteSir.. will you plz share Shubhra Ranjan Mam's notes pdf plz
ReplyDeletehello sir, I have doubt regarding how to make notes for the repeated topics in the optional paper, for instance, the UN. It is repeated in paper 2's part A as well as part B
ReplyDeleteIn addition to this, I am preparing optional for my self, sir could you kindly guide me the better coaching centre. Thank you sir.
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PSIR 2022
2. a) Factors like community, culture and nation weaken the hegemony of neo-liberalism today. Discuss
3. a) Examine the liberal theory of state in contemporary politics. 20M
4. a) Dr Ambedkar’s idea of social justice leads to ‘ Egalitarian Justice ’ as compared to Rawls’ ‘justice as fairness ’ which aims at the notion of ’pure procedural justice’ comment. 20M
6. a) Electoral behaviour of voters is governed more by the social and economic factors than the political factors. Explain 20M
7. a) Examine the unique features of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment. Do you think this Amendment would contribute in achieving the goal of empowerment of marginalised sections of the society? 20M
8. a) Ethnicity is the underlying cause which poses a great challenge in the resolution of the problems in the North-East region of India. Comment 20M
1. 2b)“Equality of estates caused equality of power , and equality of power is Liberty.” Comment
2. 2c)c) Elitist theory of democracy denies the possibility of democracy ad ‘ rule of the people.’ Elucidate.
3. 3 b) human rights are complex and contested social practice that organises relations between individuals, society and state. Comment . 15M
4. 3 c) Individualism is inherent in Hobbes’ absolutist ideology.
5. 4b) “ The Panchayats with Gram Sabhas should be so organised as to identify the resources locally available for the development in agricultural and industrial sectors.” Examine the statement in the context of Gram Swaraj.
6. 4c) Examine the Entitlement theory of Justice.
1. 6b) The Doctrine of Basic structure of the Constitution has enhanced the power of judicial review of the Supreme Court. Examine
2. 6c) Discuss the composition and functions of the Inter-State Council. To what extent has this body been successful in achieving its objectives?
3. 7b) The Speaker represents the freedom and dignity of the House. Examine
4. 7c) Discuss the policy initiatives of the 14th Finance Commission aimed towards promoting and strengthening agricultural development in India.
5. 8b) The making of the Indian Constitution is described as an attempt towards ‘social revolution’. Comment
6. 8c) How far is it correct that the regional parties have strengthened Indian democracy and federal system? Substantiate your answer with suitable examples.
1. a) Systems Approach
2. b) Cultural Relativism
3. c) “ Revolution in Permanence “
4. d) Bases of Power
5. E) locke’s social contract
1. a)Analyse the workers’ movement in India in pre-Independence period. 10m
2. b)The Preamble of the Indian Constitution reflects itself as a ‘ Social contract’ Elucidate.
3. c) Legislative Council is a house without any effective powers. Comment.
4. d) how far is the National Commission for the Backward Classes an empowered body? Assess its role in the context of rising demand for backwardness among dominant communities.
5. e) high concentration of economic activities and consumption patterns in post-liberalisation perios has led to the failure of environmental movements in India. Elucidate.
ReplyDelete1. 2a) How has the electoral democracy augmented the participation of people in the democratic process?
2. 3a) Critically examine the rise of People's Republic of China (PRC) as a great power and its implications on Asian Political order.
3. 4a) Identify and evaluate the reasons for deadlock in the WTO negotiations on fisheries between the developing and developed countries.
4. 6a) Discuss the relevance of the demand for New International Economic Order (NIEO) in the present era of globalisation.
5. 7a) What are the main drivers of India-Japan Strategic and Global Partnership?
6. 8a) How does India- Israel bilateral ties reflect the autonomy of India's foreign policy choices?
1. 2b) Discuss the role of social movements in strengthening the democratic processes in developing societies.
2. 2c) Describe the composition of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Discuss its voluntary jurisdiction.
3. 3b) Discuss the conceptual dimensions of collective security.
4. 3c) Discuss the efficacy of global conventions to combat international terrorism.
5. 4b) what is the realist prescription to the States to ensure their survival in an anarchical world?
6. 4c)Russia- Ukraine crisis has cast a dark shadow on the energy needs of the member states of the European Union (EU ). Comment.
7. 6b) Critically examine the major factors responsible for a turnaround in the trajectory of Indian Foreign Policy in the post-cold war period.
8. 6c) Discuss the reasons behind India's refusal to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT)
9. 7b) What are the implications of 'Look-East' Policy on the north-eastern region of India?
10. 7c) Explain the factors which justify India's claim for a permanent seat at the UN security council.
11. 8b) Discuss the consequences of illegal cross-border migration in India's north-eastern region.
12. 8c)Discuss India's vision of a New World order in the 21st century.
1. 1a) Discuss the main limitations of the comparative method to the study of Political Science
2. 1b) What are the main challenges faced by the developing countries in the era of globalisation?
3. 1c) Discuss the commonalities between the Marxist and Realist approach to the study of International Politics.
4. 1d)Bipolar structure of the world is more stable than the multipolar one.
5. 1e) National Interest is an essentially contested concept. Comment.
1. 5A) Peaceful co-existence remains the cornerstone of India's foreign policy.
2. 5B) Discuss the ways and means to realise greater economic co-operation among the Member States of South Asia.
3. 5C) Discuss the steps required to realise ' hydro-co-operation' between India and Bangladesh.
4. 5D) Explain the significance of Basic Exchange and Co-operation Agreement (BECA) for Indi-US strategic relations.
5. 5E) Discuss the role of public diplomacy in the enhancement of India's global standing.
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ReplyDeleteSir, will you consider uploading your handwritten notes. As not everyone can afford high cost couching materials, however that shouldn't translate into thier incompetence.
ReplyDeleteThey are handwritten therefore your property. Hereby its upto you to whether or not choose general obligations over more specific obligations. Nature of this exam is such that even you would have chosen numerous pirated material in your journey, even though you wont accept. If you will do it likewise it indeed would if great hep forthose who never been to mecca ou UPSC aspirants and can not afford to be in its range.
Success and failure are product of circumstances and efforts that employ, however for that atleast provide us level playing field.
Hello Sir, can you tell about your approach regarding PSIR in between Pre and Mains, did you also attend the crash course or was it just revision and tests?
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ReplyDeleteThanks a lot sir I was confusing before seeing this now good for me
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ReplyDeleteSir, kindly let us know some of the difficult topics in PSIR. (of which you encountered so difficult) Thank you Sir.
ReplyDeleteThanku Sir for Sharing ur strategy.❤️
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Utkarsh Sir. I'm giving Mains this year. I'm making your notes as the soul sources for Paper 2 part 2. Along with current affairs. Hope these shall work.
ReplyDeleteThank you for such crucial insights for PSIR, especially the learnings from the tests. Thanks for the blog sir, this is very helpful. also, check my website -
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ReplyDeletethankyou so much sir , this post has been a blessing in psir preperation. forever grateful!!.
ReplyDeleteYour blog post provides a valuable strategy and insights for PSIR. The inclusion of your answer copies is incredibly helpful for students looking to improve their understanding and performance. Thank you for sharing these resources and your experiences!
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ReplyDeleteHey Utkarsh ,hope you doin Good i just wanna ask that did you make these above notes from Shubhra maam notes ? did you add up something from your side ? Actually I read your notes they are like short summary of SR maam notes.
ReplyDeleteNice Post!
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ReplyDeleteThank you, Sir, for sharing your strategy. ❤️
ReplyDeleteSir why you removed this notes ?? I completed only paper 1A so said for me 😔😔😔
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ReplyDeleteHas Sir removed these notes because I am not able to access them anymore ??
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Sir plz plz plz allow us to use your notes sir plz🥹 i have completed have of my journey only through ur notes sir plz ab bich me switched kaise kru sir plz help us 🙏🥹 i was a blessing to us to have such guidance in form of such beautiful and well organized and very crisp notes sir plz help us plz sir plz🙏🥹🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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